Sunday, June 14, 2015

Adventures in Austin

We decided to dip our toes and paws into Bucket List traveling by taking a trip down South for Memorial Day weekend.

Destination - the outdoorsy, dog-friendly Austin, Texas!

Our 4 hour drive from Dallas was filled with me rapping to 2Pac, crooning with Willie and killing a package of beef jerky.  Tobey napped and occasionally flapped his little ears in the wind through the window.

Day 1: First night was spent playing an impromptu game of Tornado Time in the bathroom shelter. This safety measure proved to be quite the bonding time!

Mommy bonded with a giant glass of wine to calm her nerves while Tobey bonded with Juanie, our friend's 9 month-old German Shepherd rescue.
Tornado Time - a  popular game among Texans

Day 2: Luckily there was a respite in the post-apocalyptic weather pattern that allowed us to enjoy our first bucket list activity in Austin - a trail run at Zilker Park

Eh...more of a trail walk / rest in the cool grass

We met a new friend on the trail that encouraged and inspired us - very fit, outgoing young lady who had survived colon cancer!  We shared our stories and she reminded me to be thankful for my own good health.  She hugged Tobey and wished us well - another beautiful, kind person we've met on our journey!

Next up on our adventure - Stand Up Paddling!

Tobey is always excited for a new adventure!

The folks at the Rowing Dock were awesome! They gave us a scratch-resistant SUP board and sent us on our way.

My skipper and I on the high, river
Tobey was a champ!  He patiently sat in his designated doggie co-pilot spot while I paddled down the river.  As we approached a quiet section, I must have gotten something in my...sniff, sniff...eyes...causing giant tears to roll down my cheeks.

Tobey and I - 2010
I was reflecting on how much Tobey and I have experienced together over the last 13 years.  He has consistently galloped alongside me at the park, with his beloved tennis ball in tow.   He has licked the tears off my face as I sobbed and struggled through a divorce.

He has been my constant, loyal, loving sidekick.  My morning stretching partner, my goodnight kisses and prayer buddy, my non-judgmental, unconditionally loving furry boy. How am I so lucky to have this blessing?

Briefly overcome with grief and fear at the thought of attempting a life without him, I forced myself to stay present and thankful for this moment. We paddled for a while; then we floated. I proudly boasted of his natural boarding abilities to our fellow paddlers and kayakers.  We remembered what our "Aunt Ashley" tells us - take deep breaths.  We peacefully sat together and enjoyed the beauty of nature.

I will never forget this amazing, beautiful, peaceful moment with him.

By the way, we hate to dwell on the end, BUT...Tobey and I ask that you pour one out for our dead homey - the plastic floating Rowing Dock duck.

To most people, he was a good, colorful, upright plastic pillar of the floating community who dedicated his life to navigating river-goers to the dock, but to Tobey...

The Aftermath...a slight exaggeration

...he was an evil threat and required total public humiliation and annihilation.  RIP little guy. Our apologies to the good folks at The Rowing Dock as well as the terrified children who witnessed Tobey's violent destruction of the duck.

I offered to pay for a replacement just after I informed them of Tobey's cancer diagnosis.  Yeah, I played the cancer card.  Successfully.

After a full day day of trail-running, paddling & murdering ducks, Tobey was exhausted. He and Juanie spent an evening resting and pretending to guard the house.

Discussing foreign affairs and milk bones
While Tobey recovered alongside his new bestie, I met up with a good friend from Dallas living in Austin.

My trendy friend always knows the go-to spots and did not disappoint by taking me to Rainey Street, where I learned...

 How to be the most popular girl at the bar:

Step 1: Wear a white dress
Step 2: Forget umbrella
Step 3: Get completely doused in a torrential downpour of rain
Step 4: Strategically hide lady bits with your purse and arms as you avoid awkward stares and a couple of sleazy winks

Despite my nearly obscene appearance, my friend welcomed me with a waiting drink at Bungalow.

We caught up over street-truck tacos while being entertained by a rowdy group of girls that spontaneously erupted into an a capella rendition of Fun.'s "We Are Young".   The entire bar joined in - it was like being in an awesome commercial for something super rad.

We jumped a couple of puddles over to the Container Bar, a bar made of - you guessed it - repurposed shipping containers.

the Container Bar - Rainey Street

This place was a successful end to the evening thanks to the kick-ass DJ that played hip-hop and rap mixes, the sweaty dance party that ensued and finally, this snazzy sock dude:

Hakeem Olajuwon fan.  Time of death: 9:30 ish.  Cause: Zombie attack

After an exciting evening of unintentional semi-nudity and dancing,  I was ready to hop into an Uber car and snuggle up for bedtime with my old hound.  I found him perched upon not one, but TWO dog beds dreaming of chasing plastic ducks.

Austin, thank you for being a great place to start our exciting Bucket List travel adventure!

Love, Kerry + Tobey

our story


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