Thursday, July 14, 2016

Tobey's Year in Denver

1st Fall - (we don't have these in Texas)

Met a girl - fell in love, even though she's a Patriots fan - ew

OMG- Winter is AWESOME in Denver!!!!

I fit right in with my dapper winter wardrobe and devastating charm


Kerry here, since Tobey isn't feeling up to the boring part of blogging.

If you would have told me I would still be sitting with this same 2007 Dell blogging about the same cancer-stricken dog next to me 1 WHOLE year later, I'd yell "BULLSHIT" at the top of my lungs.

Well...NO BULLSHIT.  I'm sitting here in Denver with Tobey at my feet.  We've had a hell of a run. This state, it's beautiful scenery, compassionate people and comfortable climate is without doubt the culprit who captured one entire extra year of time with my precious boy.

I am so thankful.  So many people helped get us here with spiritual encouragement, financial generosity and the opportunity to work again in the medical field and support our dream of being actual Colorado residents.

We are so thankful.  Tobey is so tired.  This post was a quick photo recap of the last year...

Unfortunately the following post will send us tumbling back to a cruel reality.


Tobey + Kerry